Hornby R3961 – Isle of Wright Central Railway Terrier Train Pack. W11’Newport’ is the Terrier that has been on the Island the longest and the only surviving engine to have served on the Isle of Wight Central Railway. In January 1981,’Newport’ had the honour of being the first locomotive to be worked on in the in the new workshop at Havenstreet, although the locomotive was pushed rather than travelling under its own steam. Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. No additional information at this time. You might also like. Bachmann 44-0160R – Narrow Gauge Corrugated Station Red. New – Hornby BR 61ft6in Corridor 1st Class Sleeper Coach – R4264B – OO Gauge. Hornby R4797 – BR Maunsell Corridor 1st Class No. Hornby R636 – Double Track Level Crossing.