
LMS, ex S&D, 7F. Finescale kit built loco, 00 scale, painted by L. Goddard

LMS, ex S&D, 7F. Finescale kit built loco, 00 scale, painted by L. Goddard
LMS, ex S&D, 7F. Finescale kit built loco, 00 scale, painted by L. Goddard
LMS, ex S&D, 7F. Finescale kit built loco, 00 scale, painted by L. Goddard
LMS, ex S&D, 7F. Finescale kit built loco, 00 scale, painted by L. Goddard
LMS, ex S&D, 7F. Finescale kit built loco, 00 scale, painted by L. Goddard
LMS, ex S&D, 7F. Finescale kit built loco, 00 scale, painted by L. Goddard
LMS, ex S&D, 7F. Finescale kit built loco, 00 scale, painted by L. Goddard

LMS, ex S&D, 7F. Finescale kit built loco, 00 scale, painted by L. Goddard
This is a model of the’small boilered’ 7Fs that were built at Derby for use on the Somerset & Dorset Railway. These were then incorporated into the LMS after the grouping, and this model is shown in the LMS black livery as number 13801. The loco has been built from a kit, possibly DJH. The chassis has been professionally built and in addition to pick-ups on the driving wheels, has also had them fitted to the tender as well, ensuring that there is smooth running on all of the track. The model was then finished by master painter, Larry Goddard, and has not been subsequently weathered.
LMS, ex S&D, 7F. Finescale kit built loco, 00 scale, painted by L. Goddard