The Esslingen machine factory delivered a total of 9 machines with the railway numbers 41 to 49 between 1899 and 1913 and were incorporated into the Deutsche Reichsbahn in the 1920s as series 99 631 to 99 639. The last two machines, the 99 633 and 99 637, ran on the Federseebahn between Schussenried and Riedlingen and the well-known Öchsle between Biberach and Ochsenhausen. After its retirement, the 99 633 was used on the Jagsttalbahn Möckmühl – Dörzbach and on the Öchsle. There it stands today in the locomotive shed in Ochsenhausen, waiting to be refurbished to make it operational. Look forward to a top-class premium model – the Württemberg TSSD. And this in track 1e – the space-saving track in the premier class. Completely new opportunities will open up to you – from the extremely intere.